Well, I lost the first draft of this and will try again. Following the lead of Doug Johnson, I will articulate some wishes for my library and school for the new year. Since my blog is a general one about the library, and not specifically a tech blog like Doug's, the items will be diverse. I wish:
* that the administration and board continue to support educational technology at a high level
* that faculty continue to improve their skills at using all the new tools, both hardware and software, becoming more and more comfortable with such and thereby enhacing the classroom experience
* that we make time for more faculty in service sessions where we can practice using new tools
* that more teachers will catch on to the value of blogging
* that faculty work together to draft a manual of good research practices, with an emphasis on practical ways to avoid student plagiarism (such as lessons in how to summarize and paraphrase)
* that my budget might permit me to buy more high quality books
* that those students who enjoy reading continue to do so, and that more readers are tempted by our materials
* that our eighth graders really get involved in reading for Battle of the Books and make us proud at the competition!
* that all faculty attend a conference or a workshop to learn about new tools and practices
* that more students in classes engage in constructive discussion rather than just memorizing lists of facts
* that the library gets its web page, now to be a wiki, up to snuff! and that it is used by students and faculty
* that the arts receive their fair share of support
* that all teachers feel valued and empowered
* that dstudents more and more take responsibility for their own learning
Photo by jlh of art by Bri Johnson, West Barrington, RI